Committees & Working Groups

OCLS relies on the dedicated efforts of committees and working groups to provide strategic direction and oversight for our services. Members are drawn from the 24 colleges and from College Libraries Ontario (CLO).  Working groups and committees are listed alphabetically below.

For more information about college working groups and committees, please visit the CLO website


eResources Steering Committee
Chair: Jess Bugorski

Library eResources Accessibility Portal (LEAP) Steering Committee
Chair: Joy Muller and Vice Chair: Kimberly Daigneau

Metadata Steering Committee
Chairs: Dijana Kladnjakovic and Co-Chair: Stacey Boileau

Page 1+ Steering Committee
Chairs: John Ellis and Marnie Seal

Quality Assurance Steering Committee
Chair: Ross Danaher

Working Groups

Quality Data Consistency Working Group 

Maamwi Hub (MWH) Working Group 

Math Tutoring Pilot Project (Reports to Learning Centre Steering Committee)

Resource Sharing (RS) Working Group 

Service Advisory Groups (OCLS/CLO)

AskON Steering Committee
Chair: Marnie Kursiss-Morrow

CLEAR User Group

Remote Access User Group